Registration and light lunch
Keynote Address:
"What Makes Great Teaching?"
Speaker: Professor Stuart Kime
Great Teaching: naming it, seeing it, and getting more of it
Concurrent Workshops (Session 1):
Speaker: Prof Stuart Kime
Description: For many years, cognitive aspects of learning (attention, working memory, cognitive load...) have received a lot of attention in many schools. In this workshop, Stuart will take a different approach, exploring with you the affective side of learning, focusing in particular on the feelings of 'wanting to learn' that are a product of student motivation. Once he has set the scene with what the best available research evidence in this area tells us, he'll move on to share some practical, evidence-based techniques that teachers can use to build feelings of motivation for learning in their own students.
Speaker: Matt McGinlay
Questioning is one of the most powerful set of strategies that a teacher can employ. It's something that many teachers do very frequently over the course of a lesson. But, as we'll explore in this workshop, effective questioning takes more than just asking questions. We'll see how questioning not just serves as a way to aid in the retention of knowledge, but as a way for teachers to assess their students' understanding. After discussing the active ingredients of what makes for effective questioning, we'll explore some strategies that any teacher can adapt to any context.
Break and refreshments
Concurrent Workshops (Session 2): Participants attend the alternate workshop to ensure exposure to both sessions.
Closing remarks from organisers
Great Teaching Toolkit, pilot and next steps.