[ 1 October 2024
[ By Red Kite Teaching School Hub

UCL Centre for Educational Leadership Annual Conference

UCL Centre for Educational Leadership Annual Conference

11-12 November 2024: Successful School Leadership for Sustainable Development

Red Kite is excited to announce the annual Leadership conference hosted by UCL. This year the focus of the 2 day conference is ‘Successful School Leadership for Sustainable Development’. Focusing on sustainability, as defined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, there will be a range of outstanding speakers and workshops, facilitating thought and discussion on how to develop themes.

UCL are delighted to be able to confirm: Sir Kevan Collins, Professor Dame Christine, Professor Aaron Benavot Naheeda Maharasingham Gilbert and Professor David Gurr. The conference will also give schools leaders the opportunity to network with researchers and school leaders.

Professor David Gurr outlined the role of effective school leadership in achieving the UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals and you can read more about this vision in his think piece here. The even will also be attended by a range of researchers and academics from UCL IOE, teacher development providers and schools.

The conference spanning 2 days will include a sustainability market place, drinks reception for networking, workshops, panel discussions and question time. We hope to see you there!

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