If you are unable to attend the course or conference you are booked on, you may substitute, by prior arrangement and after notifying us via email (rkconnect@rklt.co.uk), someone else from your organisation on one occasion. Please note that some of our courses or events require the completion of pre-course work, in these cases it may not be possible for someone else to attend in your absence. Please contact us if you would like to discuss substituting your place.
If you are unable to attend, and not in a position to substitute your place to another person then the following charges will apply:
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss the cancellation of your course place.
Please remember that the Red Kite Connect is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a registered charitable company and these circumstances will have a significant impact on our work. We're extremely grateful for your continued support and look forward to meeting your future training requirements.
If you have any further questions about our cancellation policy, please contact us on 01423 535 646 or email rkconnect@rklt.co.uk.